Monday, August 10, 2015

Megyn Kelly VS. Donald Trump

During the Debate on Thursday Megyn Kelly and Donald Trump had a little spat. But it turned into something much bigger than that. After the debate Trump proceeded to go onto Twitter and write rude comments about Kelly. He called her a bimbo, a light weight and said that he didn't respect her as a journalist. He also made a rude comment and I quote saying, "There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever." Because of the remarks Trump said about Kelly his invitation to appear at Erickson's RedState Gathering in Atlanta was removed. Erickon said that he didn't want someone to appear on stage who gets hostile question from a lady and the first thing he does is imply it was hormonal.  Then Erickson decided to invite Megyn in Trump's place. When Erickson did this Trump's campaign said that it was an example of weakness through being politically correct and called Erickson a weak and pathetic leader. When Trump was on ABC's Good Morning America he said he wondered if what Kelly said he said was true.

It is, Kelly is not the only person that Trump has attacked, in fact listen to this excerpt from, his book Trump: How to Get Rich. "For many years I've said if someone screws you screw them back. When someone hurts you go after them as viciously and as violently as you can." When Trump's writing televised interviews and Twitter feed were reviewed it showed he has longed used mean language to target women and their physical appearance. Not only does he insult women but occasionally men as well here are a few examples.

On an interview with Entertainment Tonight in 2006 Trump called Rosie O'Donnell disgusting, a slob, fat, ugly and many more things. He even brought it up in Thursday's debate when asked a question regarding his insults towards women by Kelly. Another example of him insulting a women is when he tweeted about Huffington Editor, Arianna Huffington. He tweeted that she was a dog who wrongfully comments on him and is ugly inside and out. He says she wrongly comments on him and then does the same back, I sense someone being a hypocrite! Trump doesn't just insult women but he also insults men for example former U.S Representstive in 2011, Barney Frank. Trump tweeted that Barney's nipples were protruding out of his blue shirt at congress and that it was disrespectful. He thinks that is disrespectful yet he gets on Twitter and disrespects all of them.

Megyn Kelly isn't much better. She has a long history of saying offensive comments about minority groups. Kelly hasn't been afraid to state her opinion about minority's on several occasions, here are a few examples. On the December 11, 2013 special she insisted that Santa Claus and Jesus are supposed to be white and just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it should change. She completely brushed off Fox host Jedddiah Bla's suggestion that a minority Jesus or Santa Claus might make minority kids feel included in holiday celebrations. Another example is on June 11, 2015 Kelly said on Fox News that the Obama Administration plans to force to white and to privileged communities to embrace diversity. So you see she wants to attack Trump and his views towards women but doesn't seem to understand she is attacking minorities just as much as him women.

In the Megyn Kelly VS. Donald Trump before you can choose sides you need to know more about each of them which I did and here is my opinion. I believe that Megyn Kelly as a professional journalist should not have shown her hostility to Trump in such a rude manner and on national TV.  I don't think she should be calling him out for the way he talks to women when she comments freely, showing her racism, But, I also don't agree with the way that Trump believes it is okay for him to go onto Twitter and talk about people commenting harshly about them and their appearance. Yes we have freedom of expression but you can express yourself without tearing down someone else's profile. In the Kelly VS. Trump debate I think that they both have no room to insult the other when they both are doing the exact same thing just do different audiences. I don't believe either of them won this debate because both of their actions were uncalled for.

*If you disagree with my blog feel free to comment but, make sure that you respect me the blogger and the viewers or I will be forced to remove any harmful comments.

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