Friday, August 7, 2015

The Republican Presidental Debate (Top 10)

This is my second blog and this one is about our Top 10 Republican Candidates. Tonight soon after the non top 10 the more popular debate came on with America's Favorites as of right now. Now before we get into the questions let's talk about the pledge that started it off. They asked who would be unwilling to pledge support to whoever became the Republican Nominee and promise not to run and individual campaign against them. Donald Trump was the only to raise his hand and then further commented, saying he wouldn't run an individual campaign against himself if he wins, but he might do an individual campaign against anyone else who beats him. For this blog I will give you a general overview of each person and their views,lets start with the first person who was asked a question, Ben Carson.

Ben Carson: He showed tonight that even though some don't have faith in him because of his inexperience. He learns fast and that this nation wasn't made great by politicians but my people with the right principles. He also believes that Clinton shouldn't be president because she takes advantages of the uneducated and that he plans to educate the people. I think that some of the things Ben Carson said were true and others I didn't agree with,  When he said as a black neurosurgeon, people ask why I don't talk about race, I say it is because it is what is inside that matters that riled me up. Yet Carson wants to call the Black Lives Matter Campaign silly knowing that black people are losing their lives because of what's on the outside not the inside, and to ignore race is ignoring the history and present of this country.

Marco Rubio: He told us tonight that the election should not be based on resimay or Clinton will win, but it should be based on who will improve our future. He shows us that he dislikes Clinton and Trump and usually agrees with Kasich. He believes if the federal government gets a chance they will force common core education so don't give them a chance. And that we need to help make America fair for small business owners. I really do like a lot of Rubio's points I don't usually agree with Trump and I do agree with Kasich and helping small businesses. But, I do agree with some of Clinton's remarks  and think there should be high standards for education and if states can't meet that then the  government should intervene.

Jeb Bush: He did very well tonight proving he isn't his father or his brother and that he knows he will have to earn back trust for himself but he can do it. He says that we cannot help America until we are united and that Clinton will not help this and we need a republican in office. He also believes most illegal immigrants had no other option and we need to be more strategic with it and that we do need higher standards for our education and all of America. Tonight I think that Bush represented himself very well and had some very good points and the only matter is convincing America about another Bush.

Donald Trump: He believes both he and the country don't have time for political correctness and that we are in trouble because we are losing to all countries. On the immigration topic he said our leaders are stupid and the Mexican leaders are smart so they dump all their bad people onto us. Nobody agreed with him. It was terrible that Trump was proud to say he took advantage of the laws to make himself rich at the expense of others. And this is true for so many people today and it needs to be stopped. He was also questioned several times about why he is always changing his mind on issues and he didn't have a solid answer, plus he doesn't seem to have much respect for women.  I personally don't think that as a business man who speaks his mind in a non professional way and doesn't stand for of a group should win the election. As Kasich said he touched a nerve Americans care about and that is why he is up but I think this debate will effect him negatively.

Ted Cruz: Tonight he emphasized his point that we need a leader that will speak the truth not just agree with everything the people want to hear, that will be honest and honor commitments. He also strongly emphasized we need a good commander in chief who will be able to take charge with the ISIS problem. I agree with Cruz's points I just think he needed to tell us more about the other issues he would focus on if he got into office he has also proven to be rude and divisive.

Chris Christie: Did very well tonight when he was asked questions that could damage his campaign if he answered wrong he did well. He showed us how well he has done with New Jersey so far. He told us that 71% of government money is spent on entitlements and we must change that or it could cause problems. He also believes it is okay to look through citizen phone records if it will help to protect the homeland from terrorists. Christie did very well tonight and I believe his points were good. But, he didn't explain how to bring down the entitlement percentage just saying it causes problems or tell us how much of the records they have access too. He has some very strong points but we need more information.

Scott Walker: He showed he strongly believes that an unborn child needs protection and that he doesn't agree with Clinton very much. When he was asked why he changed his mind on an issue he did well explaining it. Saying he did research and listened to the people and changed his mind to work to secure the border and make legal immigration easier. He also justified not fulfilling his promise to Wisconsin saying he aims high and will do it no matter how long it takes. Walker was the only one to talk about Police Brutality and that we need a better training program and consequences to those who show to much force on anybody. I agreed with several of Walker's points and he did good to save his campaign in tight squeezes but I also feel he did not address the racial issue in police brutality at all and that a women should not have to die to protect and unborn child's right.

John Kasich: He showed that even though his colleagues disagree with him he would rather get people the medical resources they need then pay money to keep them in prison. That even though it did make some debt it cut down taxes and created more jobs. He also shows that whether you have the same opinion as him or not for issues like gay marriage he will still care for you. One of his strongest points was if he was given the chance to counter Hilary Clinton he would use economic growth, how we need to reach out to minorities and how we need to unite America again as his argument. I agreed with nearly all of Kasich's points and thought his remark on how to counter Clinton will really help his campaign.

Mike Huckabee: Told us tonight that we should keep the entitlement program, not cut benefits oe raise the retirement age because that is stealing from people and wrong. He also believes an abortion is wrong no matter how the baby came about because that would be violating the baby's right under the 5th and 14th amendments. I think Huckabee did well tonight countering against his opponents but I also think if he is going to call taking away the entitlement program wrong  he needs to present an alternative. And that yes it would be denying the baby's right but what about the woman's choice to have the baby? His points showed his opinion well but didn't show us his plan of resolvement.

Rand Paul: Paul got into a lot of heated arguments with some of the other candidates today and fought passionately on his points. He believes if we want to stop and defeat ISIS we need to not arm their allies and not sign the deal or help them, because if they receive no support it will be easier to take them down. He also said people should be free to express their opinion and the government should not be allowed to put its opinions into religious beliefs like gay marriage. I think Paul fought well tonight but I also don't exactly agree with his ISIS point.

Here is my Ranking Order:
10. Donald Trump
9. Ben Carson
8. Rand Paul
7. Ted Cruz
6. Mike Huckabee
5.Chris Christie
4. Scott Walker
3. Jed Bush
2. Marco Rubio
1. John Kasich

I think there are a few points that  should have been mentioned that weren't in either debate. Some of these points would be the racial issue with police brutality and how more force is being used on minorities like blacks. Education, Voting Rights for Minorities, Civil Rights and Reducing Entitlement for Rich People. I believe in the next debate they need to talk about race and rights and stop trying to avoid something inevitable that is impacting our nation negatively

I want to know based on the debate and my blog your ranking for our top 10 and what topics you think should have been mentioned so start commenting! Can't wait to see everyone's opinions!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this recap and your commentary, Kosi. I recorded the debates but haven't had a chance to watch yet. I am very proud of you for starting this blog and for taking the time to focus your attention on things that the average 11 year old doesn't care much about. I am still so very excited about your future. Continue shining bright!
    Mrs. Nicole (Green, of course)

    1. Thank you so much for your support Mrs. Green I'm glad you liked it and I promise there will be many more blogs to come.
