Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Republican Presidential Debate (Non Top 10)

 I spent some time watching the non top 10 republican presidential candidates. First, I want to say throughout the entire thing many of these republican candidates avoided the question. I don't know how many times our hosts had to redirect them back on topic. I mean seriously in an interview later on the hosts even said it was hard to keep them on track.The problem was they wanted to go on and on about their campaign but not answer the questions America is most concerned about. And its no question why, because we all know they didn't know how to answer them. Some of the questions that were asked were presented  many years ago and to this day have not been solved. Instead of them trying to find a way to answer these very difficult questions they were avoiding them and trying to boost their own campaigns and tear down others. For once in our lives I think that candidates need to show why they are worthy and not why someone else isn't. Even as kids we know that politics is a web of opinions, lies and tearing other people down and this debate helped to justify that. If you were watching the debate you know that every candidate at least once brought up Obama or Hilary Clinton and proceeded to criticize them and their beliefs. Just because it isn't yours doesn't make it wrong and I thought that was outragingly biased and wrong to do. Now lets get into the actual debate. 

They started off the debate with ISIS and its threat to America and we had 3 candidates start off talking about it.

 I definitely agreed with Mr.Pataki's statement, I don't want to be attacked, but not about how their violence should not be classified as using the 1st amendment. It is the very 1st amendment and it makes me ponder none of us want them to use their freedom of speech and religion for violence, but is it our right to take it away? Carly Fiorina's points were exceptional and everyone believes she is going to be moving to the top 10. Some of the points Jim Gilmore made could have a very positive impact on the ISIS crisis. When he is talking about the Middle East NATO,but  it will be difficult to get them to join together when we aren't on good terms with all of them. All of their remarks were great points just a bit flawed.

Another Hot topic is Illegal Immigration and we heard from Rick Santorum and Governor Perry. They were asked what they would say to a child who could stay in America but not their parents? Here are their responses.

Neither of them answered the question but in my opinion Rick had the best points. He said that we need to treat everyone equally under the laws, he just needs to show people we can trust him to carry that out. Governor Perry was off topic for most of it, but he did mention he would secure the border, which needs to be done.

Our next topic gives us an opinion from almost everyone else and it is on Economy and Jobs. The question was is the unemployment rate and economy getting worse and what are you going to do about it?

Now, I don't agree with Graham's tactics during this because he was just destroying Clinton the entire time. But I do partially agree with both Gilmore and Jindall and how they plan to grow the economy by creating better jobs by changing some things Obama created except for  them dissing Obama Care against some of the good statistics.

Next, a topic with several different opinions is planned parenthood. The question was pro life or pro choice?

George Pataki said he was pro choice to a certain extent and that you had 20 weeks to do the abortion or no abortion. The others on this topic didn't really stay on the topic and moved on to their own campaigns. 

 Now our last topic which almost everyone had something to say about is Executive Power. The question is as president what would be your first executive order?

I agree with Jindall very strongly about making sure the IRS doesn't go after religious groups, and partly Gilmore and Graham about defunding Planned ParentHood and Sorting through the executive orders to make sure they don't make the same mistake. I just think they need to change the way they word their opinions.  For Governor Perry I wish he would have elaborated but he makes a strong point about destroying the Iran Deal and securing the border.

That isn't everything mentioned in the debate but some of the hottest and most important topics to Americans according to Fox News, so I included them. Now below I would like both kids and adults to comment who their favorite non top 10 republican is based on this.  For me I think it was Carly Fiorina. I want to know what you think, Start Commenting!


  1. Nice and informative ! Good job Kosi!

    1. Thanks Auntie Ruth your opinion means a lot to me, glad you liked it!

  2. Kosi; I don't favor any of the Republican candidates. One of the things that I noticed in the debates was that each of the individuals spoke to what they perceive to be their strong points. On today's airing of Marketplace on National Public Radio (NPR) it was mentioned that nobody addressed economics until an hour and 15 minutes into the debate. (Does this imply that they're pleased with the economic policies of the current administration?) It also appeared to me that each of them wanted to stress a talking point that no one else had covered, regardless as to whether or not they were well versed in that particular area.

    Finally, one of my beliefs is that most of the people in the race on either side want to be president for personal gain/power, which is the wrong reason. I didn't notice anyone stressing that their goal was to make life better for poor people, women, minorities, students or people with disabilities. My guess is that those particular groups aren't really important to them.

    Keep reading, writing and soliciting opinions. Strongly ask folks to address the topic and cite the source of their information. For example, on NPR's Morning Edition, Scott Horsley did a piece titled: "Fact Check: Candidates Don't Tell The Whole Stories In First Debate". I thought it was interesting. You can pull it up on "NPR Morning Edition".

    I look forward to your next writing. Be well.

    Ron Ball

    1. Thank You Mr. Ball for your feedback, I appreciate your support and I am glad you enjoyed my blog. I will be blogging soon about the aftershock on the news of the debates, possibly. Again thank you for your feedback and support
